Fitness centers here have updated their policies to allow Soldiers to wear Army uniform boots in the weight areas, according to new guidelines set by the Sports & Fitness Director.
The change is aimed at providing Soldiers with more opportunities to enhance their fitness, said Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Seelow, the Garrison Command Sergeant Major.
In addition to the new boot policy, the centers’ locker rooms and showers will now be available 24/7, according to Chris Cornelison, the Sports & Fitness Director. Previously, these areas were only accessible during staffed hours.
Before this update, Soldiers had to bring a separate pair of shoes to use the fitness facilities. “Having to carry extra footwear was an obstacle,” Seelow explained. “It took time and resources, and if you forgot your shoes, you were out of luck.”
Cornelison noted that the biggest benefit of the new policy will be for Soldiers coming in during lunch breaks. The flexibility allows them to fit in a quick 30-minute workout and grab a meal before returning to work.
The new boot policy applies only to active-duty Soldiers in Army Combat Uniforms and is limited to the weight room areas. Boots are still not allowed in cardio areas or on the basketball courts, in order to protect the equipment and playing surfaces.
“This change only affects the weight room areas at both Katterbach and Illesheim fitness centers,” Cornelison clarified.
The updates apply to the Bunch Fitness Center at Storck Barracks and the Katterbach Fitness Center at Katterbach Kaserne.
Soldiers and civilians are encouraged to report any issues or concerns regarding locker room access through USAG Ansbach’s Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE), Cornelison added.